We posted recently about the KING ARMS TWS 9MM SBR and we can’t for the life of us work out why this super little GBBR hasn’t gained more traction with users as it’s been out for a while!

Bill came across it when he spoke to KING ARMS at IWA earlier this year, and was somewhat blown away that a GBBR using G-SERIES magazines hadn’t been HUGE news everywhere.. c’mon, what’s not to love?

Suffice to say that we’ve been speaking to KING ARMS direct and arranged for a long-term test sample to come to us so we can really put it through its paces, and our thanks go to AIRSOFT WORLD for facilitating the shipping… the sample is now with us, and we are looking forward to getting to grips with what we believe could be a literal “game changer” for many players!

Watch this space for more!