Friday at AAHQ is usually all about our “SFTW” end-of-the-week team update post from the members of the AA LEGION (more on this later today), but as we were chatting to our friends over at G&G ARMAMENT early this morning they gave us some news that we just had to share!

The G&G LevAR has been causing quite a stir in the chat groups online, rightly so given it’s unique nature, and there’s a huge amount of interest in the futuristic-looking gas-driven lever-action 15” model that everyone at the major trade shows got their hands on in prototype form earlier this year.

Now this is exciting in itself, but G&G just dropped a little bomb on us this morning by introducing the latest model that will go hand in hand with the 15”…


This looks absolutely awesome and just as the 15” says “post-apocalypse Winchester” to us, so the 7” puts us in mind of a “wasteland Mare’s Leg”… if you don’t know what that is, go look it up right now!

Of course the G&G LevAR is going to have a much wider appeal than that, but it’s certainly got our attention; we’ll be looking at the innovative and somewhat one-of-a-kind LevAR in much more detail soon, so as usual…. watch this space!