We do like a red dot on some of our pistols these days! Thankfully at IWA Bill was able to reconnect with our good friend Chris over at www.airsoftmilsimnews.com and make some plans for future collaborations, and we’re really excited to be working on plans for some shared content with him!

To get things rolling he’s just published a great article on the RWA RED DOT PLATE and say;

“We all (ok, almost all) love to run red dots on our handguns. Why? because it looks cool, we like electronic parts on our guns, and it actually helps to pick-up targets much faster as some say. As we airsofters who love the Glock platform of handguns still miss a “MOS” version from UMAREX/VFC to hit the market, we need to find options to run red dots on our beloved Glock because; “there’s no such thing as an airsoft Glock”! as you may remember from the past…

Aftermarket parts such as slide sets and more are already available offering red dot plate cut-outs and so on, but today we’re putting a spotlight at the new RWA Glock Red Dot Plate which is an easy replacement part for your stock VFC made Glock or like in our example, the EXA pistol also made from RWA which features the Glock style footprint…”

As usual there are some fabulous images (like the one here) to go with Chris’ overview so make sure to head on over to www.airsoftmilsimnews.com for the full lowdown!