We’re 100% back in the groove again and after reviewing our online figures now that the website is fully rebooted we’re feeling pretty happy… thank you to all of you out there that continue to read AIRSOFT ACTION each month, and that follow us here on the website and on social media!

So, what are the AA CREW up to this weekend? Just like you they’re out playing and shooting and enjoying there “airsoft life” to the max!

Stewbacca checked into say that “I’m back on the tools with the bois at our Yangmei in/outdoor CQB place along with arming and gearing up some new guys I’ve brought on board, after a few weekends of just IPSC/CivDef training”.

Miguel is having a BIG weekend as he told us that “Time for Salamandra II 300 players, 3 different fields, 29h of Airsoft, 35 players jumping off a plane, kayak insertion, FOB with live music and bar…” and from the pictures he’s already been showing on his own page the food looks pretty darn good too!

Bill’s fully back into his range-testing this weekend as he reported “we’ve got a bit of a “DMR-Special” issue planned for next month so I’m revisiting a whole bunch of long guns both old and new, along with the optics that go with them! The guys have really excelled with the content that’s come in already, so we’re looking forward to producing something special for you!

Many of the rest of the AA CREW are out and about at various sites and venues, but poor old Jimmy told us that “Sadly no games planned for this weekend but I will be in the workshop again on Saturday. I have reluctantly given in to do a DSG build for a customer on a Double Eagle Aeroknox so that will keep me occupied for while… Sunday I plan on getting out with the rifle if the weather is nice and then finish up with some Call of Duty…

So, not ALL bad then!

That’s it for us after a busy old week of meetings and time on the phone setting everything up for the months to come. We hope that like us you’re ready for some weekend airsoft adventures, and as always we’ll sign off by saying whatever type of airsoft you’ve got lined up, Play hard, Play safe, and above all Play with Honour!