The lovely people at LCT Airsoft are once again inviting all friends who love the LCT brand and their products (and airsoft in general!) to show their enthusiasm towards LCT products through their 2023 video/film contest!

This is always challenging as the standard is consistently high from LCT fans all over the globe, but in our mind it means that you can really show you imagination and unique flair for airsoft in a very special way again this year.

LCT tell us that;

“To all LCT and airsoft friends from all over the world, the annual SHOOT YOUR LCT FEVER is all ready to roll again! The competition of this year is not limited to themes, be creative! Now gather your team, pick up LCT weapons, set up cameras, and participate in this competition together to take away prizes, honors and limited commemorative gifts for the 4th anniversary of the event!”

You’ll need to register for the LCT International Short Film Contest, display innovation and creativity, and shoot short films (more than 3 minutes) that really show your imagination and abilities, and there will be a chance to win great prizes!

Full Details can be found by clicking HERE… good luck to everyone, and as creators ourselves we look forward to seeing what you come up with!