So, at long last we can share our excitement about a new VORSK GBB pistol that we’ve been following in development but were sworn to secrecy about, and that’s a unique take on a classic platform in the shape of the OSIRIS!

Now any “gun bunny” worth their salt will see from the silhouette that this is VORSK’s interpretation of the ubiquitous “M9” platform, and we’re really excited to see a new model of this type from them as the venerable Beretta seems to have fallen out of fashion with many airsofters since the US Army replaced it as their service weapon. However, it proved it’s worth in many a conflict, and it is still an undoubtedly and elegant and effective handgun design.

And let’s not forget that it was once one of the most heavily featured “movie guns” out there… and one that SHOULD be in any airsofters personal armoury for that reason alone.

But we’ll tell you straight off that the OSIRIS been inspired by a very particular member of the distinguished Beretta family, and then given VORSK’s distinctive re-design and makeover which makes it pretty darn exciting! And the name OSIRIS? Well, ancient Egyptian god of the dead for sure, but also the god of resurrection so will the OSIRIS breathe new life into airsoft “M9s”?

We believe it may well do so!

Suffice to say that we’ll report more on specific details as they arrive next month, and of course it’s a model that we look forward to testing and covering off in full as soon as it arrives.