The year rolls on at pace, but everything is looking MIGHTY fine at AAHQ; things are settling down after an intense start to the year, and as better weather is finally forecast for the weeks ahead were all looking forward to some sunny game-days!

As always though as things start to turn warmer we’ll make a point of being mindful of our hydration, and we’d urge you to do the same… don’t be “that guy” that causes a problem for everyone else, take control of your personal admin… and GET SUM!

Taking of “admin”, ISSUE 163 is now complete and we just have the last few bits to tie down before we start uploading it to all our readership platforms; it’s another jam-packed issue that we can’t wait to share…

But what of the members of the AA LEGION around the world?

Stewbacca tells us that “Team TaiJi will once again be doing some CQB of sorts at our Yangmei site so if the weather continues to be a bit grim we’ll at least have some indoor playing and sheltering spaces. I’ll probably take the T91 SOC (thanks to Jerry Wu for an awesome image of our boi in action this week!) out for another run as I used the FNC most of last weekend so a little variety wouldn’t go amiss. Too much to choose from fellow shooters…”

Miguel is as busy as ever, and said “we have been invited to test out a new CQB field in our area. It’s an old hotel and the idea is to have a few games and then give some feedback to the organization”, and Ben chipped in to say “I may try local site Cool Under Fire this weekend if I can get there; I was thinking of squeezing in a bit juggernaut…”

Dan is back on home/workshop duty and told the chat group “I’m on house-painting duty this weekend, “Happy wife, happy life!” as they say! That said I’ve got one of the new MAXX M4G chambers that’s designed to use GBB buckings in for testing, along with a Modify X-Range and Lambda VSR cut barrel. I’m keen to test this combination out in one of my AEG’s, so maybe I’ll get a chance to give it a spin this weekend…”

Bill is also on home-duty this weekend for personal reasons, but as always he’s got something interesting lined up to, as he said “as the G&G ESG B-10 has just arrived with me I will most definitely try to get a bit of rangetime too… after shooting this with Stewbacca in Taiwan as a prototype I am excited to see just how the production version lives up to the promise that was dangled…”

Boycie has had a busy old week, and it looks like it’s going to continue; “I’m wrapping up my attendance on a <REDACTED> course and then travelling again for a UKPSA Range Officer course which will then help me put on IPSC competitions and also Action Air comps. I’ll be writing up the <REDACTED> course and then the UKPSA RO course for future issues. There are also a couple of products coming this year that I’ll let you all know about when I can.”

So, pretty much “biz as usual” for the AA LEGION, a proper mix of game, range and workshop! Whatever you have lined up for yourself in relation to airsoft this weekend we hope you have a GREAT time, and of course if you’re out in-game then Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!