We sincerely hope that as the C-19 situation continues to improve that more and more of you are going to be out and hitting your local airsoft field or site this weekend!

However, if you’re stuck at home then there may be another solution for you to get your “tacticool fix”, and you need look no further than your tabletop for some righteous “Operator Action” thanks to the team that brought us the awesome BLACK POWDER RED EARTH (BPRE) graphic novel series that so many of us love!

The team have recently released BLACK POWDER RED EARTH 28MM and it’s a tabletop wargame that has helped to keep us (a bit, at least!) sane during the latter part of the lockdowns, and we believe that any airsofter worth their salt will love as much as we do!

The game is set in that self-same possible near-future and detailed with both a “conflict bible” in the Core Rules and in the pages of the ongoing graphic novel, “Black Powder Red Earth® Awbari”. It’s a close-quarter combat skirmish wargame built on a fast and fluid ruleset pitting player against player in tabletop miniatures battles. Built around a responsive combat system that is fast and easy to grasp, players direct their customised small unit teams in pitched battles through war-torn sprawls on the border between two failing states.

So how does this pertain to airsoft you may well ask, and we’ll be bringing the lowdown in an in-depth and detailed crossover article in Issue 135 next Tuesday where we speak directly to Jon Chang, the man behind the entire BPRE phenomenon!

For now though if you want to check it out in advance then simply head on over to the BLACK POWDER RED EARTH website for more information, and “STEP INTO THE EVENT HORIZON OF ABSOLUTE CHAOS”!