At AIRSOFT ACTION we know how important it is, especially with the likes of Farcebook shutting down anything remotely connected with airsoft (because they don’t like what we do and can’t stand the use of the word “gun”), to be able get all the news you want in one place – and be notified when that news is updated.

With that in mind, we have been exploring how you can access every post on the AA website – and be told when new posts are added – simply, quickly and effectively, and we believe the answer may be good, old-fashioned RSS feeds.

If you are not sure what an “RSS feed” is, Wikipedia describes them as: “…a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.

Simply put, they provide an information feed that by using a simple piece of software called an RSS reader, which (again according to Wikipedia) “can be built into a browser, installed on a desktop computer, or installed on a mobile device“, can be read and displayed in a summary format on your screen. This allows you to quickly scroll through every article and if something catches your eye, a simple click (or tap) will take you straight to it.

In short, RSS feeds are a simple, quick and effective way of giving you a constantly updated supply of information.

On this page you will find a list of every category that we use for our posts.

If you click on the name of the category, it will show you every post in that category, via this website.

To the right of the name, you will see an RSS icon, like this: and clicking on it will open the RSS feed for that category.

If you have a feed reader installed, it will open and show you the feed.

If you don’t have a feed reader you’ll see a page of seemingly unintelligable gobblydegook! At which point it is probably time to head over to and get yourself signed up on their Free package, which is (you guessed it) quick, simple and effective!



It’s the final “daily” from Boycie, Li’l Stu and Steve, accompanied on the last day of SHOT 2025 not just by John P but...


It’s been quite the week at AAHQ, and a REALLY exciting one with “Da Bois” of the AA CREW in Las Vegas to cover...

SHOT SHOW 2025 – DAY 3!

It’s another mammoth daily from Boycie and “Da Bois” in Vegas today as their steps take them every further and deeper into the industry...


As the new year pushes onwards at one hell of a pace, it’s time to share another post from our very good friend Chris...

SHOT SHOW 2025 – DAY 2!

The “Vegas Adventure” continues for Boycie, Li’l Stu, Steve and John P, and what a time they’re having! Today’s post is a bit of...


Whether you’re a fan of HPA systems or not, and there still seems to be a LOT of debate over this, the fact is...
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